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What is Unreal Engine 5

What is Unreal Engine 5

Unreal Engine 5, developed by Epic Games and released in May 2021, is an advanced game and graphics engine that marks a milestone in the development of 3D applications. This engine is designed to create extremely detailed and realistic environments, making it ideal for both game development, film production, architectural visualizations and other interactive experiences.

Who owns the Unreal Engine?

Unreal Engine is owned by Epic Games, an American video game and software development company. Epic Games was founded in 1991 by Tim Sweeney, who is still the company's CEO. Originally developed for game development, Unreal Engine has become one of the most popular and versatile graphics engines in the world, used in everything from video games to film production and architectural visualizations.

Groundbreaking features in Unreal Engine 5

One of the most ground-breaking features of Unreal Engine 5 is Nanite Virtualized Geometry, which allows highly detailed 3D models to be imported directly into the engine without the need to reduce the number of polygons. This means developers can work with scenes containing millions of polygons without compromising performance.

Another key feature is Lumen, a dynamic global lighting system that simulates realistic light and shadows in real time. Lumen allows developers to create complex lighting conditions that dynamically respond to changes in the environment without having to prepare the light in advance.

Unreal Engine 5 also introduces World Partition, a technology that divides large worlds into smaller, manageable parts that load as needed. This allows developers to create large, open worlds without worrying about performance or complicated workflow changes.

One of the most impressive innovations in UE5 is the MetaHuman Creator, a tool that allows developers to create hyper-realistic human characters with an incredible degree of customization. From detailed facial features to specific clothing choices, developers can create characters that look almost real.

In addition, Unreal Engine 5 includes the Chaos Physics and Destruction System, which enables realistic simulation of physics and destruction, opening up spectacular real-time collisions and crashes.

Unreal Engine 5 is also fully integrated with next-generation game consoles such as PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S, while supporting both PC and mobile platforms. With its combination of powerful tools, ease of use, and the ability to deliver impressive visual results, Unreal Engine 5 has become a preferred choice for game developers and 3D artists worldwide.

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Contest: The Sims 4 SteelSeries Headset + The Sims 4 Jungle Adventure

We are holding a competition for all of ours The Sims fans where one can be won The Sims 4 SteelSeries Headset. These headphones are from the Steelseries brand, which is a Danish brand that sells its products internationally. The headset can no longer be purchased as it has been discontinued. Simply enter by entering the draw on YouTube by subscribing to Cheap Codes. The winner will be released on our Facebook page.

The Sims 4 SteelSeries Headset

The specifications of the prize read as follows:

The official The Sims 4 SteelSeries Headset, features luxurious stereo sound with pulsating “Plumbob lights” that change color in time with your Sim's emotions.

  • Built-in microphone
  • USB connection
  • Changing Plumbob lights
  • Works for PC/Mac/PlayStation 4

So it is extremely high-quality sound with a really good microphone from Steelseries. In addition, extra good quality is ensured through USB connection, and of course also works for other games.

Enter the competition for a The Sims 4 SteelSeries Headset

Contest entry is super easy:

  • Subscribe to the YouTube channel Billige Koder. A lottery will be drawn among subscribers when we reach 1000 subscribers.
  • The winner will be announced on our Facebook page.
  • Feel free to leave a comment on our Facebook or YouTube (not necessary).

The headset will be sent to the winner. We reserve the right to only send the one headset we have and will not resend a new one if it does not work. However, it is wrapped in original packaging, and should therefore work. There is no guarantee on the headset, as it is a FREE gift, so take good care of it.

The Sims 4 Jungle Adventure

The Sims 4 Jungle Adventure will be released shortly, and we are preparing for that. Therefore, keep an eye out for Cheap Codes on our Facebook page, so you can get the extension Jungle Adventure cheap. Maybe we can even do a contest on the game.

Jungle Adventure will be released on February 27, 2018 based on current parameters. As soon as practicable, we will offer Jungle Adventure on this site so you can get it at the best price. We will try to keep you updated on Facebook and via YouTube as far as possible.

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Pendula Solutions – What is VR, virtual reality?

Can you learn via Gaming? Virtual Reality is very similar to gaming, and can be used for learning. A completely obvious possibility is to use VR for e-learning, where the stakeholders can set up some scenarios and test some things in a protected environment. The technology can i.a. via advanced simulation methods give students the opportunity to carry out chemical experiments in virtual reality – or to participate in international negotiations with global partners in a virtual space.

With this blog, the stakeholders want to focus on how the stakeholders can use technology in learning contexts. VR is a technology that creates very realistic virtual worlds in 3D and 360 degrees. One of the world's leading companies within virtual reality is potentially on its way to establishing itself in Viborg.

Pendula Solutions makes structured learning courses, where both the development of VR material and software is included as part of the solution.

Pendula Solutions: Virtual reality and the technology's areas of application

Pendula Solutions virtual realityOn an education, knowledge can be gained about relevant basic theories about the functionality of digital technology as well as interactive modalities and can be included in design and innovation collaboration around VR/Augmented Reality technologies. Within learning, there is a concept called transfer, which can be seen as the balance between teaching and what has been concretely learned. VR can support this by making teaching less abstract through concrete cases. Also read: Virtual reality driving school lessons.

In the course 'Experience design for VR/Augmented Reality' you learn to use the functionality of VR/Augmented Reality technology. In a position as a pedagogical consultant at the Metropol University College, you work with the development of digital learning processes, IT pedagogy and participate in projects and workshops that involve everything from the development of online courses to Blended Learning, the use of video and digital tools. Read more about: virtual reality training.

Virtual reality or VR is a good bet if you want to experiment with technology in your teaching. Most virtual reality devices are rated 12+ and it is recommended that children only enter the virtual world under adult supervision. Including is Oculus Go one of these units.

VR is reaching Danes widely, and the project will test how the VR technology can be used even more. What many of the projects currently have in common is that they strengthen, among other things, the dissemination of literature, public education and language stimulation for pre-school children and create better cooperation between the country's libraries and educational learning centres.

"The teaching methods of the future combine VR, programming and advanced computer games with today's focus on creativity and challenge-based learning - without losing sight of the classic ideals of education," explained Tobias Heiberg. Compared to the psychology, there are also many exciting aspects in VR. Pendula Solutions makes WRONG solutions for psychologists and others.

Children will need different competences than those that the primary school and other educations offer today, says Tobias Heiberg, head of digitization and learning from UCC, as a presentation for three workshops on how technology creates new learning situations.

Many possibilities in virtual reality

VR is rushing forward and can lead to a paradigm shift in teaching, Fagbladet Gymnasieskolen wrote in 2014, and wrote in 2016 that "VR opens up completely new forms of teaching, where you can easily go back in time, into the human body or out to distant countries.' Some educational institutions use VR in teaching.

With the help of modern technology, virtual learning can support training and teaching in a digitally created space, as you know it from virtual reality. New research: VR better than video in teaching.

Their work must be combined with the best foreign knowledge and evidence from Stanford University, MIT and UC Berkeley in order to create an alliance within virtual reality technology. Read also about VR and marketing with virtual reality.

VR glasses, interactive gloves and simulation models must be assembled with specially developed software for a new generation of educational technology for use in pharma and biotechnology.

Augmented reality (AR), which is currently on the threshold of the big, broad breakthrough, gives reality a digital layer by combining data from the physical world with digital 3D graphics.

VR is new to many, which is why many teachers/trainers have potentially not heard about the possibilities this new technology brings. The Department for Virtual Learning follows how technology can add new elements to improve learning. The user has the opportunity to interact and is fully involved in the interactive digital training, which strengthens the learning experience and the benefits of the learning. VR is a highly sophisticated technology that uses realistic images, sounds and the like to simulate a real environment.

Although VR opens up a fantastic and exciting world for all age groups, the technology is still so new that there is not enough data about how it can affect young children in particular.

Here, the company Oculus collected over 2.5 million dollars from the users of the crowdfunding website Kickstarter to create the first user-friendly version of VR. Pendula Solutions uses Oculus technology. The technology with robots and VR offers great opportunities to support better dialogue, learning and the exchange of knowledge between people.

They have established a robotics center at the Bohr School, where the students will learn to program, and look at how technology can challenge and support the students' learning.

Facebook concretely expects virtual reality to become the world's new experience platform for everything from entertainment to education. Camilla Poulsen believes that one of the great perspectives of virtual reality is the possibility of gamifying teaching.
The company TakeawalkVR, in an OPI collaboration with Region Southern Denmark, has over three months tested the potential of virtual reality for people with dementia at five care centers in Kolding Municipality.

From Monday 8 January, you can book an appointment at the library to try the new virtual reality technology with access to several programs and games: "The new technology with virtual reality holds great potential for learning and entertainment, and the library room is an obvious place for citizens to move into the many universes", says library and citizen service manager Anders Clausen.

Professor of technology as well learning at DPU Cathrine Hasse, however, believes that great care must be taken in taking the heavy lifting out of teaching, because there are some things that just have to be learned and cannot be played around with.

AR-sci will develop a more student-centred approach by facilitating inquiry-oriented teaching, collaboration and active learning, as well as by visualizing the often hidden processes, making it easier for children to understand how natural science phenomena work.

Several different developers in VR

A VR company produces virtual reality programs as well as 360 degree videos for a wide variety of purposes. That students gain knowledge of newer technology such as robots, 3D printers or virtual reality. Morten has many years of experience in development work, i.a. within Health Care, games, learning processes and Mixed reality and several years of experience in teaching game development as well as augmented and virtual reality.

With Pendula Solutions they are educated in IT, learning and organizational change, and thus academically grounded to make decisions in this sphere. Thus, their VR products are useful in relation to learning.

How can digital tools be used to strengthen students' learning, the following is thus made probable primarily variables around a VR company. within their subject, e.g. simulation tools?

But when you review the research into the effects of new, technological learning tools, you see that they often do not increase the learning yield,' says Jesper Balslev.

The money went to Roskilde University, which will be at the forefront of a new project which will develop virtual learning technologies and map how the stakeholders in the future will best use the new technologies in teaching.

However, it must be said that people thought the same when radio and television came along, and it did not revolutionize the way the stakeholders choose to teach. But already existing research indicates that learning is better the more sensory experiences one gets in the meantime, so therefore the stakeholders have a hypothesis that virtual reality will lead to more learning, says lab manager Thomas Terkildsen.

There is a project where researchers have to investigate how virtual reality can be used in teaching contexts.

Through the design of the physical models and the visit in VR, the students were given two experiences of their models, which strengthened the basis for experiential learning.

They develop mobile AR apps for IOS & Android with photorealistic 3D, and the stakeholders create virtual reality content for high-end virtual reality headsets such as Oculus and Vive, and mobile platforms such as Samsung Gear virtual reality, Google Daydream and Cardboard. Pendula Solutions makes interactive VR: Virtual reality Aarhus. Interactive VR can be used in many ways, where vision can be a significant factor.

On the subject module, you get a systematic overview of selected digital technologies and their potential applications to the extent that they are relevant for, for example, experience design in VR/Augmented Reality.

Of course, introducing digital learning does not exclude the use of non-digital learning means, which requires research, and the interaction between many different types of learning.

In Denmark, the stakeholders have strong traditions in learning and compared to a number of countries around us, the stakeholders are already quite good - both at using digitally supported learning in teaching and at developing digital teaching aids.

Pendula Solutions can help with virtual reality for learning, community and experiences

In general, the evidence that the new virtual reality technology is a good learning tool is extremely lacking, concludes Lasse Jensen in a scientific article published in the journal Education and Information Technologies.

If you would be interested in hearing more about how you can strengthen teaching by using virtual reality, please call or write to Pendula Solutions.

In other words, some of the possibilities in virtual reality are that the stakeholders can meet in the same room and share experiences with people on the other side of the globe, the stakeholders can go back to the past, and the stakeholders can experience the world as a different one.

Some of the biggest virtual reality projects abroad are about creating community in the virtual worlds. VR opens up completely new forms of teaching, where you can easily go back in time, into the human body or out to distant lands.

In general, the evidence that the new VR technology is a good learning tool is extremely lacking. Lasse Jensen concludes this in a scientific article, published in the journal Education and Information Technologies. But in what connection? Virtual reality is much more than just VR glasses, but can also be used in e-learning. Pendula Solutions has explained this in Odense: Virtual reality Odense.

Because there is a lack of documentation that VR (VR) is as revolutionary a learning tool as the retailers claim, concludes a Danish researcher in a new study.

Schools and educational institutions risk throwing money out the window if they buy VR glasses to make teaching better.
In relation to the interaction dimension, VR can also contribute to this if the students are allowed to talk to each other during the lesson in connection with the learning.

You can explore the world in completely new ways, and potentially it can even help with training within the pharmaceutical industry and other industries – Prototyping has already become pretotyping with virtual reality. Pendula Solutions has created a VR learning application for Rigshospitalet: Virtual reality Righospitalet.

It is a challenge for many industrial companies, and the stakeholders have, in collaboration with a number of them, developed prototypes of how they can use augmented reality.

Training in VR is also used across industries for teaching and training everything from safety, eye for the ball, fitness as well as complex technical procedures, e.g. With this project, the aim is to create the first library-specific experiences with VR in order to be able to pass on concrete recommendations and inspiration to other libraries that are interested in the technology's potential for dissemination and learning activities: Virtual reality learning.

Across companies' activities, decisions are made, knowledge and learning are shared, data is collected, and products and solutions are presented, all of which can be made more efficient and made more engaging and educational through the use of 3D on these platforms.

Principal Sune Agger follows the virtual reality project closely, and he was also the first to put on the glasses when Søren Læssøe Mathiesen presented the new teaching equipment to a group of managers and teachers at Learnmark Gymnasium HHX and HTX: "Using virtual reality is of course included to increase the fun factor and thus the motivation in teaching. VR is gradually becoming part of the teaching at Learnmark Gymnasium HHX and HTX.

Central to exploiting the potential of using digitally supported learning are issues of handling and utilization of the large amounts of data that are generated when working with the digital learning technologies, as well as the possibility of evidence and research based on these.

Research into new technologies, as well as how these and existing technologies can be used for learning, is important. At the same time, the opportunities to learn are developing, as new learning technologies, which enable us to learn more deeply, more individually, more flexibly and more efficiently, are also based on the new exponential technologies.

Finally, the stakeholders can facilitate a workshop where, together with other mediated heads, you get the opportunity to turn thoughts and ideas about how virtual reality can create better and more qualified development as well as learning in your company. You will gain a concrete understanding of VR/Augmented Reality technology's experiential significance, effect and application possibilities for both the business and entertainment industries. In addition to simulating products in various virtual environments, it is possible to use the strong visual input VR has as input for sensory stimulation.

Pendula Solutions virtual reality and learning

Contact Pendula Solutions for an offer development of virtual reality software for psychological practices, learning or general VR material.

Also see: AMD Ryzen 3 2200G.

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Which Gamer PC for PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds (PUBG)? [GUIDE]

PUBG PC Guide – The game PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds (PUBG), works on The platforms: Xbox One, Google Android, iOS and Microsoft Windows. PC users clearly need a good Gamer PC to be able to run the game, but how much is enough?

This article examines how much is actually enough to run PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds (PUBG).

PUBG PC Guide – Minimum requirements for PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds (PUBG) according to

These are the minimum requirements for PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds (PUBG) according to

  • U.S: 64-bit Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows 10
  • Processor: Intel Core i3-4340 / AMD FX-6300
  • Memory: 6 GB of RAM
  • Graphics: Nvidia GeForce GTX 660 2GB / AMD Radeon HD 7850 2GB
  • DirectX: Version 11
  • Network: Broadband Internet connection
  • Storage: 30 GB available space

There is a big difference between the two CPUs, and therefore the above claims are questionable. We recommend a new AMD Ryzen 2200G and a GTX 1060: AMD Ryzen 2200G Desktop Gamer PC.

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Confirmation – Desktop Gamer PC

This article is about the Confirmation – Desktop Gamer PC event. It is now spring, and the confirmations are at the door. In addition, many confirmands are in the habit of investing in a stationary gamer PC. Here it is important to be aware that you get something that lasts and is actually suitable for gaming.

There are many players on the market who sell some half-finished solutions without thinking about what the concept should actually be able to do. In addition, it must also look a bit smart, since it is actually some wild games being played, and the PC must reflect the person using the computer.

On this occasion, we at Billige Koder offer to tailor our computers with self-selected cabinets for the confirmand. Therefore, simply write a message via our contact form or Facebook, and we will get back to you.

See example of Gamer PC here: Ryzen 1500X

[contact-form-7 id=”753″ title=”Contact form 1″]

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PUBG is finally getting Skins

pubg skins

PUBG Skins are now coming, which is great news for many of the game's users on Steam. For some it is a welcome news, and for others it is primarily the gameplay that is interesting. At Billige Koder, we would like to find out what you think about the news.

Poll on the addition of skins to PUBG

Looked up by in Monday 26 March 2018

Take our survey here:

The new PUBG skins, which were discovered by players earlier this month, can be unlocked via PUBG's latest 'loot crates', called 'Triumph Crates' and 'Raider Crates'. These boxes will only contain skins for weapons, and therefore not the same content as the previous boxes.

Prices for raiders, as well as triumph loot crates

The 'Raider boxes' will reportedly be free and will not require keys to unlock. 'Triumph boxes' can be unlocked using 'Weapon Cosmetic Keys', which are purchased via the Steam market. This also changes the drop chances for the previous boxes, as more is now added to the calculation. Some have tried to calculate these rates, which we at Billige Koder admire, but we still firmly believe in the RNG concept.

Purchase PUBG cd key cheap here.

Purchase Random PUBG Skin Crate here.

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PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds (PUBG) – Ultimate FPS Guide

PLAYERUNKNOWN'S BATTLEGROUNDS, Steam CD-key, buy, buy, FPS guide, laptop gaming,

Welcome to this PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds / PUBG FPS guide, which was written while I was camping out in the desert (with 1 kill on my conscience mind you). At the same time, I have been professional enough to avoid the red zone during the writing process. It is also December 24, so can also be seen as a small Christmas present. This Danish PUBG FPS guide is prepared because there are many who have problems with the game "stuttering" or "lagging" because their frames per seconds (FPS) is too low (2 sec I "lose" right back to the game when a vehicle comes).

The game is relatively demanding, and requires a lot in terms of GPU, RAM and CPU. Therefore, these aspects are only looked at to a lesser extent in relation to this Danish PUBG FPS guide. However, would recommend something like an Nvidia GTX 960M as a minimum to ensure around 60 FPS on low settings. For the higher settings, one can be recommended gaming PC with Nvidia GTX 1060. I myself have tested the following settings on a Lenovo Y700.

In relation to securing the best FPS in the game on the PC you now have, a number of sections are listed below. These sections each represent something that can be done to improve frames per second in PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds (PUBG).

Buy PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds (PUBG) cd key cheap here. Or take a look at a custom stationary: Ryzen 1200 gaming PC.

Windows 10 Fall Creators Update and fresh install

There are a number of elements that go into making PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds run well. Windows 10 has a lot to say, especially for users with laptops. This is because there is a lot of junk software pre-installed on many laptops, as well as other elements that give a bad configuration to the game.

Just a fresh install of Windows with this update gave me 30 FPS on my Lenovo Y700 setup. Before I ran with a clean installation of Windows 10, but the Fall Creators Update must really have many improvements.

By installing the Windows 10 Fall Creators Update, it is possible to boost the FPS with a 960M by around 30 FPS if it is already low (around 30 FPS). I have tested this myself on a Lenovo Y700 gaming laptop PC. In the video below, I have prepared a video in Danish as far as I remember. This hopefully makes it a bit easier to install Windows 10 with a Danish guide. Feel free to leave a comment on something that worked.

  • Backup important files (photos, documents, videos)
  • Download Windows 10 Fall Creators Update ISO: Fall Creators Windows 10
  • Open the ISO file and transfer the files to a USB key using a program such as RUFUS if necessary
  • BOOT / start the Windows installation via the USB key and install the operating system on the correct partition on the hard drive

The necessary drivers, such as Nvidia drivers, are then installed. However, there is also a special procedure for this, which is detailed below:

PUBG FPS Guide – Nvidia Driver Installation

In connection with Nvidia driver installation for PUBG, you must first remove the driver completely from the registry. It is important that a complete "wipe" of the driver is carried out.

Fortunately, Guru3d has a tool for this which is linked here: Guru3d tool

It is recommended to start in "safe mode" in relation to this, but it is not necessary. After doing the full deletion of drivers, latest new driver can be installed.

Find the latest Nvidia driver for 960M, 860M, 1060M and more here: Download Geforce Driver

This also applies to AMD Radeon graphics cards. I am testing myself on a Lenovo Y700 gaming laptop.

PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds FPS Graphics Card Overclocking Guide

Compared to graphics card overclocking, this can also provide a significant amount of additional FPS. However, you must be careful when using this method, as you may risk damaging the PC. If you use one of the following tools, make sure you have proper cooling. Use the cooling software that comes with the laptop. For example Lenovo Nerve Sense.

There are several different tools for overclocking your graphics card, including among others:

If you are using a laptop with a GTX 960M, the following settings are recommended:

  • 60 GPU clock offset
  • 700 memory clock offset

Keep an eye on the temperature. It is at your own risk.

In-game PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds (PUBG) FPS guide for 60 FPS

Graphics settings from the game.

With a relatively low-end graphics card, my recommendation is to use the following settings on an Nvida GTX 960M:

  • Everything at very low
    • In addition to texture on high or ultra
    • View distance very low or medium
    • Anti-Aliasing on on medium with 1080p resolution and 80%-85% screenscale
    • Vsync on / enabled:

PUBG FPS Guide – Hard Drive Defragmentation

If the game is on a conventional hard drive, defragmenting the hard drive is recommended. This can be done with the tool Defrags. If you have an SSD, it is almost not worth defragmenting it, as SSDs are built in a different and much smarter way.

Several options that can potentially increase FPS without replacing the graphics card and CPU:

  • Special scrips and tweaks
  • Cleanup of PC software
  • SSD
  • CPU overclock
  • Fast 16 GB RAM – preferably 2133 MHz

Buy the game cheap and summary of this PUBG FPS guide

In summary, it is therefore a clean installation of the Windows 10 Fall Creator's update, as well as display drivers using Guru3d's tool, which potentially gives the most FPS. The game should also be run from an SSD for optimal loading of elements. The main points from this Danish PUBG FPS guide are listed below in point form:

  • Fresh Windows 10 with the latest update, remember to backup unique data Fall Creators Windows 10
  • Uninstall graphics drivers and download latest ones, – Guru3d tool
  • and install drivers fresh again – Download Geforce Driver
  • Apply appropriate in-game settings
  • Overclock the graphics card, but be careful
  • Use the proper cooling software that comes with the laptop. For example: Lenovo Nerve Sense. Remember to use a headset, as cooling is often noisy.
  • Defragment hard drive if it is a conventional hard drive – Defrags

By the way, didn't end up sitting in-game during the entire writing process anyway. Hope this Danish PUBG FPS guide was useful and if there are any questions, there is one contact form. Everyone is also welcome to follow on Facebook. We also build PCs tailored to your needs. Take a look if necessary Ryzen 1200 gaming PC. Buy the game here: Buy PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds (PUBG) at a cheap price.

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Age of Empires IV (4) – Release Date

Age of Empires IV (4) Front-Cover_Games for Windows
The picture is fan-made, made from the official launch trailer!

Age of Empires IV (4) has just been announced a short time ago with a preview of the game's artwork. There is therefore no gameplay to see yet. Who would have expected that we would see a fourth in the series of one of the most defining games for the RTS genre in 2017. When we will get to see gameplay remains to be seen. Likewise, it is unknown when we will be told the release date in relation to Age of Empires IV (4). Whether it will be 2017 or 2018 is therefore very much unknown. However, do not despair and read on!

The previous editions of the game were some of the best of its time, and therefore the 4 may also be a bestseller. This both within RTS, gameplay, production, but also history. Therefore, the target group is also large, which gives the game an extremely good potential.

Age of Empires IV (4) cd key at Cheap Codes?

At Cheap Codes you can find the game when it is released, and also find all the old versions, as well as their remasered versions. Just use the following link to find our Age of Empires category and the prices of the different games: Buy CD key Age of Empires.

Since the game is just announced, it will most likely be a few months before we know more about a release date. Until then, it is possible to play the old classics in their classic or remastered versions. This is clearly something we recommend at Billige Koder, as the games were some of the first to define the RTS genre.